The old villageschool in Arnøje

The old school is around 110 years old and was dismissed by the State in 1967. Until then the about 20-30 children in the small village of Arnøje had studied all together in the big room on the photo divided into five classes.
The old scooldesks and the desk of the teacher are still there, so it is easy to imagine, what it looked like in those days. There is also a big garden, because teachers at the time had very poor wages, so it was important to supply with potatoes, apples, pears and other vegetables and fruit. During October for the potato harvest for a week the school closed, and the pupils had to help the teacher to harvest his potatoes. This holiday still exists in Denmark, but few people remember the origin.
Today I spend the two summer months in Denmark and all other smaller holidays of the year. Immersed in the countryside, surrounded by cornfields and green forests, it is an inspiring place for en artist.

My atelier in Palermo

My atelier in Palermo is quite small but I have some very beautiful exposition rooms in via Praga 48, where it is possible to ask for an appointment, if you want to see my works.
Also this place is around a hundred years old and originally was a factory for decorative floor tiles. In fact in the rooms, where the tiles were burnt, it is still possible to see the hole of the chimney.
Inside the building there is a water well thirty metres deep, and it is said that in the bottom there is a passage from the time of te arabs in Sicily (800-1000 a. Chr.) going for a long strech towards the town centre.
Today there is a travel agency and a tour operator besides the Consulate of Denmark.